- Xalqaro hamkorlik
- Kitoblar
- Yo'nalishlar
- Ichki tartib-qoidalar
- Iqtisodiyot va axborot texnologiyalari fakulteti
- Vakant lavozimlar
- Pedagogika va ijtimoiy fanlar fakultet
- Struktura
- Tibbiyot fakultet
- Non Discrimination Statement
- Professor O'qituvchilar
- Iqtidorli talabalar
- Iqtidorli talabalar
- University Mission
- Talabalarga
Termez University of Economics and Services (TUES) is committed to providing exceptional higher education to both Uzbekistan and international students. We offer a diverse range of degree programs in economics, medicine, informatics, and other fields at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, equipping our graduates with outstanding opportunities in the global job market.
Our core values at TUES include a dedication to embracing new ideas and approaches, fostering collegial partnerships within the academic community, and upholding the principles of free expression of opinions and ideas.
Termez University of Economics and Services (TUES) is guided by the following values:
1. Commitment to Excellence: We continuously strive for excellence in pedagogy, research, and academic endeavors, with a focus on delivering high-quality education.
2. Internationalization: We believe in the importance of creating an international academic environment as a cornerstone of our students' competitiveness and the growth of our academic staff.
3. Traditional Values: We uphold the traditional moral values of a free and democratic society, grounding our actions in principles of ethics and integrity.
4. Societal Responsibility: We take responsibility for the well-being of our society and actively contribute to its sustainable socioeconomic development.
Through these values, TUES is dedicated to empowering individuals and shaping the future of Uzbekistan and the global community.